Monday, June 10, 2024

J-Canuck's Favourite Ballads by Male Singers


Ahh...yes. Getting all moony-eyed are we? As a sequel to last night's J-Canuck's Favourite Ballads by Female Singers, I now have the male singers and their songs of love to finish things off. 

(1987) Takao Kisugi -- Sugao no Ashita e (素顔の明日へ)

(1984) Anzen Chitai -- Koi no Yokan(恋の予感)

(1983) Jun'ichi Inagaki -- Natsu no Claxon (夏のクラクション)

(1982) Masaki Ueda -- Kanashii Iro ya ne (悲しい色やね)

(1982) Tatsuro Yamashita -- Your Eyes


  1. I had a hunch that Anzen Chitai and Tasturo Yamashita would make your list!

    1. Yeah, Koji and Tats were pretty much inevitable for balladry. Just wanna see how long "Your Eyes" will stay up before the singer or his representatives decide to strike it.

    2. At the moment Youtube claims that the "your Eyes" video was uploaded 5 months ago. So, it has been up about half a year, I wonder if it will stay up 5 more months?

    3. It's been a minor miracle that it's still been up that long.


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