Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Iruka -- Follow Me

I've already written one entry on this singer with the soft and crumply voice, Iruka (イルカ). I wrote about "Ame no Monogatari"(雨の物語....A Rainy Story) which was her 1977 hit. Primarily, though, she's been known mostly for her folk hit of several years earlier, "Nagori Yuki" (なごり雪....Snow At Winter's End), and that's a pity since she's been one of those unsung heroines who has come up with a number of wonderful songs from both folk and pop.

"Follow Me" is one of those songs that is in the latter category. Arranged by Kazumasa Oda(小田和正)of Off Course, the sound is reminiscent of the band as it headed into a more AOR or City Pop direction in the 1980s. It was released in May 1981 as her 16th single, and also as the title track on her 11th album.

I borrowed the album from an old friend of mine back in 1982, and this is the song that has stood out for me all these decades, so it's not surprising that a lot of her fans call this one of her meikyoku (名曲....signature tunes).

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