Monday, June 18, 2012

Princess Princess -- Papa (パパ)

Forgot to do this yesterday on Father's Day, but I think this is the most appropriate J-Pop song that I know to commemorate the day. Princess Princess released this as the song to be coupled with the 1990 hit single, "Oh Yeah!" (not to be confused with Kazumasa Oda's song of the same title).

For a band known for its hard-hitting and fun pop-rock, "Papa" starts with an uncertain piano phrasing to be followed by soft shimmering strings. There is a certain thematic resemblance between it and Madonna's "Papa, Don't Preach" in that a daughter has come to that point where her father is no longer the most important man in her life. However, Princess Princess' contribution to love for one's father is much less controversial, with lead vocalist Kaori Okui (奥居香)going over memories of her father while at the same time wondering how she's gonna tell him about the new man in her life.


This is a concert version here. Both Okui and guitarist Kanako Nakayama(中山加奈子) were responsible for "Papa", and both feature in the video. It's a lovely ballad that has always stood out for me in the Princess Princess discography.

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