Friday, July 13, 2012

Question: What is Your Favorite Karaoke Song?

I think this question was borne out of fatigue before midnight and out of a genuine curiosity for those who have come to this blog. As I have mentioned in various entries over the past half-year, I used to be quite the mike hog both in Japan and in Toronto.

The above is the karaoke video for Ikuzo Yoshi's(吉幾三) "Yukiguni"雪国....Snow Country), my juu-hachi-ban 十八番...No. 18)or my go-to song whenever I'm with friends at a karaoke box. It's always good to work on one song if you know the guys at work in Tokyo are regular karaoke goers after a drinking party. I worked on this particular one since it's not that difficult to sing in terms of the melody or the kanji. Plus "Snow Country"seems to fit Canada.

Actually, the catalyst for this question is from a comment for the entry for a Machiko Watanabe song in which he talked about going to an impending reunion in Japan. He or she is pretty sure that there will be karaoke somewhere in the festivities.

So I'm curious. What is your No. 18? It doesn't have to be a song in the kayo kyoku era. Feel free to throw out AKB 48 and Arashi if you wish. Give us a story about how it got to be your go-to song at the karaoke box. And even if you have never been behind the mike, is there a song you would like to try?

courtesy of ricky.ricardo
from Flickr

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