Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lindberg -- Ima Sugu Kiss Me (今すぐkiss me)

As we went from the 80s into the 90s, one of the musical trends in Japan was the band boom. And one of the big bands was Lindberg. Named after the famed aviator Charles Lindbergh (without the 'h' though), guitarist Tatsuya Hirakawa(平川達也), bassist Tomohisa Kawazoe(川添智久) and drummer Masanori Koyanagi(小柳昌法)were right behind former aidoru-turned-vocal sparkplug Maki Watase(渡せマキ).

I first came across "Ima Sugu Kiss Me"when I was watching this Fuji-TV Monday night 9 pm drama titled "Sekai de Ichiban Kimi ga Suki"世界で一番君が好き....I Love You The Most in the World). Now back then, 9 pm on Monday for Fuji-TV was the prime programming slot for the star-powered, super-popular trendy dramas. So, the band had quite the ace in the hole when the song was selected to be the theme for this drama.

Then I came across the music video which in itself has become one of my memories of life in Japan during that time. Seeing the bouncy spiky-haired Watase just bopping along like a stray electron in the popular Harajuku fashion of the time has been seared into my brain. I also love her voice which seems to be that of a prepubescent choir boy just at the point of breaking...try to imagine that voice leading a rock band!

The band's 2nd single, released in February 1990 and composed by guitarist Hirakawa and written by Miyuki Asano(朝野深雪), hit the top spot and became the 3rd-ranked song of the year.....a big boost for a new band that would continue for 12 years. In 2009, Lindberg got together one more time just to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Strangely enough, considering where their name come from, all of the members are terrified of air travel.

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