Monday, December 24, 2012

Akiko Kobayashi, Mariko Nagai, Midori Karashima and Reimy -- Merry Christmas To You

Four of the singers belonging to the recording company, Fun House (now BMG Japan): Akiko Kobayashi, Mariko Nagai, Midori Karashima and Reimy (小林明子・永井真理子・辛島美登里・麗美) got together to create this timely song, "Merry Christmas To You" in November 1989 as a track on their titular album. The album also has the individual chanteuses performing their own tunes as well before the big get-together in the middle.

As for the above video, the four ladies get together first to sing a harmonious version of Mel Torme's classic "The Christmas Song" before going into "Merry Christmas To You".

Written by Nagai and Karashima and composed by Karashima, the song reminds me of some of those large gatherings of Western singers for "We Are The World" and "Do They Know It's Christmas?" which took place back in the 80s.

This is the live performance of the song, minus Mariko Nagai.

1 comment:

  1. Incredible track I wouldn't have known about without this blog or a random encounter in a Tokyo used CD store. This blog is incredible. Thank you.


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