Monday, December 24, 2012

Chisato Moritaka -- Gin Gin Jingle Bell (ジン・ジン・ジングル・ベル)

By the mid-90s, the techno aidoru Chisato Moritaka(森高千里) may have had her long locks cut shorter and the long legs were not seen as much, but she was still doing the cute. Case in point, anyone who was watching TV at the time during December most likely caught a commercial in which a whole bunch of Santa-capped Moritaka heads were coming down while they sang a "Gin Gin Jingle Bell" jingle for Suntory's Ice Gin. Written and composed by Moritaka, the song is the Christmas-y version of her original "Gin, Gin, Gin".

Given a bit of a bossa nova push, the swinging "Gin Gin Jingle Bell" became Moritaka's 26th single in December 1995. Not sure what it did for Suntory's sales, but it did pretty well in the CD sales as it peaked at No. 2 on Oricon. I have it on that Xmas compilation disc, "Fantastic Christmas", but the original version "Gin, Gin, Gin" was placed on her 11th album, "Taiyo"(Sun), released in June 1996.

Hey, it's Christmas! Why not show her strutting her stuff while she sings the song?

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