Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Dreams Come True -- Santa to Tenshi ga Warau Yoru (サンタと天使が笑う夜)

(karaoke version)

This was the first Xmas song I heard by Dreams Come True via their 2nd album, " Love Goes On", although it did also come out as the coupling song on the single, "forty-three degrees north latitude" in November 1989. Compared to the later "Winter Song", "Santa to Tenshi ga Warau Yoru" (The Night That Santa and the Angels Laugh) is Dreams Come True in Christmas party mode with all of the party streamers and champale included. Of course, Miwa Yoshida(吉田美和) is your congenial and cheerful host. Yoshida provided the lyrics while she and Masato Nakamura(中村正人) wrote the music.

An English version of the song under the title "Very Merry Christmas" would later be released as the coupling song with the original Japanese version of "Winter Song", "Yuki no Christmas"雪のクリスマス....Snow Christmas).

Because it seems as if an original version doesn't currently exist on YouTube, you can try the excerpt at iTunes.

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