Monday, June 17, 2013

Junko Ohashi & Minowa Central Station -- Beautiful Me (ビューティフル・ミー)

"Beautiful Me" by the beautiful voice of Junko Ohashi(大橋純子). I came across this song, released in June 1979, on the BEST compilation disc of her that I had bought some years ago. As far as I know, it didn't become a huge hit like "Tasogare My Love"たそがれマイ・ラブ) or "Silhouette Romance"シルエット・ロマンス), but the Keisuke Yamakawa-Ken Sato(山川啓介・佐藤健) penned song just has this golden-hued aura of a late 70s ballad. The song also became part of Ohashi's 7th original album, "Full House", also released in that month.

It was a good year for Ohashi. She married her composer Sato and "Beautiful Me" was her ticket onto her first appearance on the Kohaku Utagassen.

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