Friday, August 30, 2013

Jitterin' Jinn -- Nichiyoubi (にちようび)

If it weren't for the fact that Jitterin' Jinn had started life from Nara, I would've pegged the band as a Shibuya-kei unit since it has that somewhat retro Western vibe (although I can't really pinpoint a specific country), but lyrically, I think Reiko Harukawa(春川玲子) and company are very much grounded in old-fashioned Japanese culture. "Natsu Matsuri"夏祭り)is one fine example, and then there is this song, "Nichiyoubi"(Sunday).

I like the original music video for this song with its humourous mix of old film footage and DIY kinda reminds me of the video for PSY-S' "Teenage". Released in June 1990, "Nichiyoubi" was written and composed by Jitterin' Jinn guitarist Jinta Hashi(破矢ジンタ) and has this galloping and playful beat while Harukawa is more than willing to gallop along with it and show off her yodeling prowess. 

The one line I remember from the song is "Buy me a Ramune and let's drink it together". Nothing screams a Japanese summer more than that bottle of Ramune (a phonological variant on "lemonade"), basically Japan's equivalent of Sprite notable for its container, a Codd-neck bottle, which is sealed with a glass marble that the drinker has to plop in with the assistance of a pushing device to be able to drink it. And then he has to be able to take in the pop while making sure that the marble doesn't block the flow. Not easy for newbies.

"Nichyoubi" was Jitterin' Jinn's 3rd single and their first hit to reach No. 1 on Oricon. It was also the 26th-ranked song of 1990.

Jitterin' Jinn -- Nichiyoubi


  1. That video is so fun, ain't it? I like how all the images match with the lyrics. I'm not the biggest expert with genres, but the song has a bit of Okinawan traditional sound in it. Makes for a nice combo with the yodeling.

    By the time I tried Ramune for the first time, I already read all the guides on how to open it so that I'd enjoy the drink without spilling anything onto myself. You know, just in case something goes wrong... The taste actually reminds me of those old-fashioned lemon sodas I used to drink as a kid. It does go way back after all... And it's become harder to find nowadays. Only a few shops I've been to sell it.

    Yes, a big rant about Ramune...

    1. Bingo! I had been wondering about that intro...and yes, you're does sound Okinawan!

      If you ever get to Yokohama, try going to the Ramen Museum near JR Shin-Yokohama Station. Their basement exhibit is set up to look like 1950s Tokyo, and there is even a general store that sells Ramune. Sorry to hear that it's getting more difficult to find.


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