Monday, May 19, 2014

globe -- Sweet Pain

"Klaatu barada nikto..."

The famous declaration by Michael Rennie's Klaatu from the original version of "The Day The Earth Stood Still" is what I think of whenever I hear the robotic opening from globe's 3rd single, "Sweet Pain". Released in November 1995, and created by Tetsuya Komuro(小室哲也), I used to like it somewhat more than I do now, but it still brings a few of the nostalgic pangs from that time in the 1990s when Komuro was on top of the J-Pop pyramid.

Listening to it again after so long, I enjoy Keiko's vocals and the early 80s-ish synths but I can only tolerate Marc Panther's rap and Komuro really doesn't have much business being a backup vocal. It's kinda like having that off-tune friend at karaoke who never fails to sing along while the actually good singer is behind the mike. But then again, he was the boss.

"Sweet Pain" went Triple Platinum and went as high as No. 2 on Oricon. It was also on the unit's debut album, "globe" from March 1996.

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