Thursday, May 15, 2014

Reimy & Keizo Nakanishi -- Iidasenakute (言いだせなくて)

I had quite the liking for Reimy(麗美), judging from the fact that I was willing to go through the paperwork at the bank and via the "Eye-Ai" mail ordering service to get a couple of discs by the singer-songwriter. The second disc was "Magic Railway", her 10th original album from July 1992. I did get my money's worth on that one since there were a number of tracks that stood out to me.

One of them was "Iidasenakute" (Can't Get The Words Out) which was written and composed by Reimy. Starting out with a bit of a techno riff, the song quickly simmers down into a light R&B duet between her and Keizo Nakanishi(中西圭三), who was just starting to come out on his own with songs like "Woman" and "Ticket to Paradise" that same year. It didn't have quite the heft to become its own single but it still has that pleasant radio-friendly vibe for a Sunday morning listen. "Iidasenakute" and some of the other tracks on "Magic Railway" had Reimy returning to a slightly more upbeat pop sound after a period of softer songs. Even her appearance underwent a small change as she went from the then-popular sauvage hairstyle to a short bob.


  1. Great song!! I know more about Reimy's debut (her Matsutoya times) but this part of her career is really nice.
    I prefer when she sing with lower tone like this. I don't know if you like Chara, but in her early albums, they are a lot of songs of the same vibe.

    1. Hi, Nagaregumo. Good to hear from you.

      "Iidasenakute" has got a nice vibe to it, doesn't it?

      Yes, Reimy has had quite the interesting two-part career with her early Yuming years and then her own songwriting period...with that light dance pop interval in between in the States.

      I have a couple of Chara articles on the blog but I don't think either of them are about her early songs. I'll have to try them out. Thanks!


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