Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hi-Fi Set -- Eien no Sunny Days (永遠のSunny Days)

"Eien no Sunny Days" (Sunny Days Forever) was another track from Hi-Fi Set's "White Moon" album from 1990 which also has the tracks of "Angels Fly" and "Moon Highway"

And like those songs, there is this congenial middle-aged beat for all those who are into enjoying their school reunions and cruises along the shoreline. Written and composed by Masamichi Sugi(杉真理), there are the two words in the refrain: "Bring back..." that probably would hearken folks back to a relatively less complicated and more economically bountiful time. Junko Yamamoto's (山本潤子)vocals and that harmonica set the relaxing lemonade-friendly mood as the sun dapples down onto the hammock that you could be lying in. No need to worry about the mortgage....just enjoy life.

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