Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Koji Wada & AiM -- an Endless tale

The nostalgia in this one just hits me like a bus. "an Endless tale" takes me way back to the days when "Digimon Frontier" was shown on TV, and I would watch it together with "Pokemon: Advanced Battle" back-to-back every evening at 6... if I remember correctly. I didn't watch the entire show, I think I just tuned it about halfway through the season, so the ending theme was the aforementioned song. Being easy on the ears, I quickly fell in love with it, and the best part was the scene where the 3 powerful Digimon creatures were standing around in the forest. I just found that really cool - foreshadowing the Sannin no kai (三人の会)?? Those were some good times, and times where I wished I had that device armed by the protagonists to turn into one of those creatures. Actually, that'd still be pretty rad... ...

Anyway, this duet was performed by singer Koji Wada (和田光司) and voice actress AiM, or Ai Maeda (前田愛). Wada had sung the theme song and the first ending theme for the show as well before singing this second ending theme for episodes 27 to 50. By isolating their voices from "an Endless tale", I can't say that I'm particularly fond of their vocal delivery. It's pleasant but too high for me, however, I'll make an exception for this song.

The only live performance I could find.

"an Endless tale" was written by Hiroshi Yamada (山田ひろし), and for the longest time I never knew what the song meant, even up till now, mostly because I never bothered to have a look at its lyrics. It was only while doing this article did I finally read its translation. Basically, it seems to be talking about friendship and how it'd still remain despite the characters having to say goodbye. Very common topic for such anime shows, I realise. The music was composed by musician Michihiko Ota (太田美知彦).

I liked the red one...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Noelle.

    I think it's just the right type of song for the kiddies. Nothing hard rock about it and a relaxing melody to finish off the show. There's a bit of 80s balladry in there, I think as well.


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