Monday, May 25, 2015

Yoshitaka Minami -- Moonlight Whisper

Still digesting that Hakata ramen from Sho Ryu Ken, the latest ramen restaurant to appear in my fair city (those who used to play "Street Fighter" will get the joke about the name). So I've still got that mix of sleepiness and wakefulness fighting for control even at this midnight hour.

To finish off my broadcasting day, then, I'm going to go with Yoshitaka Minami's(南佳孝)"Moonlight Whisper" from his 1982 classic album, "Seventh Avenue South" that I wrote about 18 months ago. Despite the title, Minami's melody (also wrote the lyrics too) has more of that broad daylight-by-the-pier feeling to it with that hint of tropical. I think the song would do well for today as well since it was a gorgeously sunny and warm day at 27 C. That laid-back arrangement with the keyboards and guitar really bring up those images of blue sky and ocean and gigantic margaritas. I also have to admire that clear and resonant voice of Minami.

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