Thursday, July 30, 2015

Miku Hatsune -- City Pop (シティポップ)

As probably a lot of the readers of the blog know, I have put in a number of Miku Hatsune(初音ミク)covers of other much older songs (everything from YMO to Ruiko Kurahashi) when the opportunity presents itself although I know that the prime Vocaloid has sung original material in the past.

However, I encountered this new original song by Hatsune that came out just a couple of weeks ago (July 2015), and it's kinda stuck to my brain right now. Titled "City Pop", it has that usual techno touch and the familiar Hatsune vocals but the melody (and lyrics) by Tama(たま)seems to be filtered through a jaunty City Pop atmosphere (or perhaps Vaporwave might be more accurate) complete with rousing electric guitar solo. In any case, it's a short-but-sweet-but-fun song, and I was somewhat amused by this artificial persona trying to gut out a day in the big city. We've all been there, Miku, especially when we are from Tokyo heading home on a blistering hot night.

Good ol' Shibuya


  1. This song is so catchy! I'm a bit iffy about vocaloids, but I think this sondg would sound so good if sung by an actual person! Very "Ai Otsuka-ish" so I think she'd perform this well. :)

    1. Hello, James.

      Yeah, it is quite catchy, isn't it? I would be interested in a real person's take on this song.


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