Saturday, December 19, 2015

Mari Iijima -- Blue Christmas

I think my next statement should have been placed with the actual article on the album "Rose", but it's pretty gobsmacking when you think of the fact that that debut album by a singer who voiced one of the most famous anime icons was produced by a future Oscar winner.

Anyways, speaking of Mari Iijima(飯島真理), how would you like Lynn Minmay crooning a sweet Xmas tune into your ear? Well, when I first came across her November 1988 "Blue Christmas" (her 9th single), my first thought was that she had done a cover of the ballad performed most famously by Elvis Presley. Then when I heard it, it turned out to be an original contemporary creation by Iijima which seemed to have the sound of David Foster and The Carpenters.

This is simply my observation but there also seems to be pattern of light sadomasochism when it comes to the lyrics of Japanese Xmas songs at times. Some of the J-Yuletide tunes often talk about lonely Holidays suffered by young folks after a breakup, and as the title would indicate here, Minmay, er Iijima, is no stranger to singing about the sadness at this time of year. Well, let us hope, in her case, the melancholy was very brief.

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