Friday, February 26, 2016

Yoko Kuzuya -- ALL NIGHT

Another nice and groovy way to finish the work week here on "Kayo Kyoku Plus". I came across Yoko Kuzuya's(葛谷葉子)"ALL NIGHT" by accident on YouTube and the singer-songwriter came up with this urban soulful ballad filled with these shimmering strings that had me thinking of the 1970s again. Of course, it might not be the 20th century anymore in Japan but there is also that hint of City Pop and even that bit of Minako Yoshida(吉田美奈子).

"ALL NIGHT" is a track from her 1999 debut album, "Music Greetings Volume One". I've already talked about another song that's on the album, "Koi"(恋).

I often pulled off some all-nighters, academically as well as recreationally back in my wayward 80s. Of course, I preferred one over the other although sometimes I inevitably overindulged on the cocktails. However, years in Japan and just plain age have blunted my inability to enjoy the overnight hours. Mind you, most of my fellows from those days are now far too busy with work and family to also pull off those extended hours at the discos, karaoke bars and drinking establishments. Still, there are the fine memories.

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