Sunday, June 26, 2016

Kohmi Hirose -- Groovy!

I actually have this song on Kohmi Hirose's(広瀬香美)BEST album "Love Winters" which came out in 1998 but had no idea that it had also been the first ending theme for the anime "Card Captor Sakura"(カードキャプターさくら). A few days ago, I wrote about how much I loved the second ending theme "Honey" by chihiro and then came my discovery of Hirose's contribution to this apparently iconic show.

"Groovy!" was Hirose's 13th single from September 1998, and all I can say is that "Card Captor Sakura" really liked to boogie with its music. I'm now convinced that Hirose can cure the common cold with that voice of hers. She came up with both the words and music, and as for the latter, it really does groove with that sound that had me hearkening back to another Japanese singer with cheer and voice, EPO, and some old-style poppy R&B. It's just a shame that it got no higher than No. 67 on the charts.

And look here...even Miku wants to get into the mix! Can't say I blame her! That piano and the Santana guitar gets me every time.

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