Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Junichi Inagaki -- Ichi Das no Iiwake (1ダースの言い訳)

A slightly different contribution from crooner Junichi Inagaki(稲垣潤一)since his "Ichi Das no Iiwake" (One Dozen Excuses) has a more dynamic Motown feel to it although the mellow J-AOR sounds still come through. The song is also notable in that it came out as his 24th single in December 1991 but had already been known as a track on his 6th album "Realistic" which was released all the way back in March 1986.

Written by Yasushi Akimoto(秋元康)and composed by Tetsuji Hayashi(林哲司), "Ichi Das no Iiwake" is a proud-sounding song but the lyrics recall the aftermath of a huge fight between lovers and how the guy is pulling himself apart about whether to make that apology call or hold his pride and wait for his girlfriend to call. I would almost expect Inagaki to make an appearance in the music video to act as well-intentioned mediator between the two lovebirds.

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