Monday, April 23, 2018

Toronto -- April 23 2018

I was writing my last article when I was called into dinner at around 5pm tonight and that's when I found out about the horrible attack earlier this afternoon in North York which is a huge area in the Greater Toronto Area. At the time of the attack (around 1:30 EDT), I was actually working on my usual translation assignment, and during that time, I didn't have any media on (which is usually the case when I'm working).

At this point, we don't have any idea what motivated the attacker to mow down pedestrians with a van. Various media folks have been yelling terrorism but it's way too early to know for certain now. What is certain is that at this writing, 9 people are dead,16 people are injured and many many more who were in the area are traumatized.

The area I'm talking about is the segment of Yonge St., the main north-south street of Toronto, between Finch Avenue and Sheppard Avenue in the northern part of the city. When I was writing the first paragraph above, I heard one of the folks on CBC saying that she often visited that area and that the carnage could have happened to anyone. I can certainly agree...I could have been there. I often visit that particular segment since a cluster of ramen restaurants has popped up in that district in recent years and one of the major movie theatres I frequent is located there. In fact, "Kayo Kyoku Plus" collaborator Larry and I went to the ramen restaurant Konjiki right there just two weeks ago for lunch.

Police have told all of the owners of those various businesses on Yonge St to close up shop and go home and so, that usual bustling section there is now a very quiet but massive crime scene. It'll probably stay that way for the next few days.

My relatives including my brother have called to make sure that we are OK and one of my former students and good friend checked up on me via Facebook. The rest of my family are also fine but there are several families out there who are enduring the ultimate horror and that is where my sympathies lie right now.


  1. Hi, J-Canuck.

    I’m so glad to hear that you and your family are all right.

    This is such an awful, senseless attack that has unfortunately been inflicted on the innocent victims. My heart goes out to all who have been affected by this horrible crime.

    It’s very tough times, hope you and the people of the lovely city of Toronto stay safe and stay strong.

  2. Good morning J-Canuck. When I heard of this I came right here, and was relieved to see you had posted a little while afterwards - evidence you were OK. Then to FB where my Toronto friends had already put up "I'm OK" messages. The virtual community is very much a real one at times like these. I've been on Yonge dozens of times although not that far north. Our lives are so real yet existence so ephemeral ... our thoughts and wishes go out to all of you.

    1. Hello, Francium and T-cat.

      Thanks very much for the good wishes. People are still coming to grips with what happened yesterday but it looks like the healing has begun. It looks like that particular strip of Yonge St. may be opening back up in the next day or so.

      I think it will be a while before things come back to full normal but we'll all get better.


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