Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Yasuhiro Abe -- Kanojo ni Dry na Martini wo(彼女にドライなマティーニを)

Good golly! I barely drink and yet I'm masterfully mesmerized by these videos I've found on the channel Bar-Times. These Japanese bartenders love to put a bit of style into their mixology. I'm not sure if Mr. Mori put in vermouth into his Mori Martini but it looks like it was barely an angstrom.

Anyways, the above was a nice little aperitif for my last song on this rather prolific evening, "Kanojo ni Dry na Martini wo" which could be translated as either "A Dry Martini for Her" or "A Dry Martini for My Girlfriend". However, let's be optimistic and go with the latter.

A track from Yasuhiro Abe's(安部恭弘)7th album "Tune box the summer 1986" from July of that titular year, it's a pretty good drive song along the shore, although for safety reasons, I hope it's just the passenger enjoying the martinis at the bar. Abe took care of music with Chinfa Kan(康珍化)behind the lyrics, and there is that twangy guitar which seems to be a frequent ingredient of an uptempo Abe number. It sounds like a fairly celebratory song as the singer yells out the title and the melody bespeaks of some good times ahead for the couple.

In any case, have another cocktail on me.

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