Monday, October 22, 2018

Tomoko Izumi -- Aoi Suiheisen(青い水平線)

This is another chance encounter with an aidoru who never really made it big but listening to "Aoi Suiheisen" (Blue Horizon), I think that there is some pleasant nostalgia when it comes to this teenybopper tune.

"Aoi Suiheisen" was sung by Tomoko Izumi和泉友子...not sure about the reading of that first name; if it is actually Yuko, please let me know) as her first of only two singles according from what I could find on this archive for 70s and 80s aidoru. It was released in June 1981 and the timing was pretty appropriate since it does have that summery and breezy feeling. There is unsurprisingly no J-Wiki entry for Izumi because of her very brief discography but from that archive, the author mentioned some similarity to an aidoru who was becoming very big at the time, Seiko Matsuda(松田聖子). 

The arrangement is quite reminiscent of that time going from the late 1970s to the early 1980s when it comes to aidoru music, but listening to "Aoi Suiheisen", I'm also reminded of the music of Yoshie Kashiwabara(柏原よしえ)and the vocals of perky Ikue Sakakibara(榊原郁恵). The song, which apparently didn't even break into the Top 100 on the Oricon weeklies, was written by Kazuko Katagiri(片桐和子)and composed by Yusuke Hoguchi(穂口雄右).

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