Monday, November 26, 2018

Koji Tamaki -- Kiyoshi Kono Yoru(きよしこの夜)

Ladies and gentlemen...readers of "Kayo Kyoku Plus", on this November 26th, we're now officially less than a month away from Christmas. I figure that with American Thanksgiving done and Toronto's annual Santa Claus Parade having taken place last Sunday, the Holidays are once again upon us.

As such, allow me to launch the annual Xmas season on "Kayo Kyoku Plus" with the usual round of seasonal tunes between now and December 25th. We can begin with Koji Tamaki's(玉置浩二)own rendition of a Christmas classic "Kiyoshi Kono Yoru", otherwise known as "Silent Night". Although I'm not sure whether the Anzen Chitai(安全地帯)vocalist had ever officially recorded it in any of his solo albums, I figure that Tamaki would be one of a few Japanese singers who could take something like "Silent Night" and bat it higher than Santa's sleigh's flight altitude on Xmas Eve.

I'm hoping that me and some of the other collaborators here at KKP can track down some J-Xmas tunes and put them up. Over the years, we've managed to put up more than 100 Yuletide-themed numbers, and even if folks like Marcos, Noelle and Joana do follow-up articles on some of the songs that are already up here, that's perfectly fine. Everyone has their own special stories to tell. Of course, singers that are covering some of the Western classics will be covered as well.

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