Monday, December 31, 2018

Mie Kitabatake -- U・SO・TU・KI

Found another one of those obscure songs from one of those obscure singers. Not surprisingly, there isn't much information on Mie Kitabatake(北畠美枝).

However, I did find out through the "Oricon News" website that " U・SO・TU・KI" (L-I-A-R) was her 2nd single from December 1993. I like that sound that I could possibly classify as being 90s City Pop; in any event, it does have that urbane tone with the synths and guitar, thanks to Kaoru Ito(伊藤薫)who took care of both words and music. I'm not completely sure so I've also thrown in the Pop categorization. Image-wise, I'm thinking of a betrayed woman walking unhappily through the streets of West Shinjuku at night.

From what I could find at "Oricon News", Kitabatake released at least four singles and one album between 1993 and 1995. However, according to this other website, it may have been as many as seven singles and three albums.

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