Monday, January 14, 2019

Fusako Amachi -- Mitsuya Cider no Uta(三ツ矢サイダーのうた)

Happy Monday! I'm sure everyone knows about the soft drink Sprite. Intriguingly enough, I had known about the drink but didn't actually start appreciating it until my 1981 trip to Japan. My uncle, whose family I had stayed with in downtown Osaka, was a huge fan of Sprite and drank a glass for dinner each night. By that point, I had already been well versed with cola, 7-Up and Fanta but I got to know Sprite very well during my stay with them.

It's been a long time since I had Mitsuya Cider, and I consider that Asahi drink a more moe form of Sprite basically it tastes a bit sweeter than Sprite. And yep, that is indeed a very boyish-looking Ichiro Suzuki in the commercial.

I came across "Mitsuya Cider no Uta" (The Mitsuya Cider Song) during my browsings through YouTube a couple of nights ago. This was sung by singer, seiyuu and actress Fusako Amachi(天地総子)back in 1969 (although this fact doesn't show up in her J-Wiki profile) and composed by the most prolific Kyohei Tsutsumi(筒美京平)and written by Tokiko Iwatani(岩谷時子). And it is a most pleasant little jingle for the titular drink which I was stunned to realize had been first created all the way back in 1884...two years before Coke was born!

The Tokyo-born Amachi had a very wide repertoire with songs meant for both kids and grownups, but it seems like commercial tunes were her specialty (more than 2000). It came to the point where she was even tagged as The Queen of Commercial Jingles. Amachi passed away a little over a week ago at the age of 78.

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