Thursday, January 17, 2019

Shigeru Matsuzaki -- Sailing Love(セーリング・ラブ)

For me, whenever I hear the name Shigeru Matsuzaki(松崎しげる), I always think of "Ai no Memory"(愛のメモリー), and not surprisingly it's probably his most famous hit.

But then recently, I heard this 1979 single of his titled "Sailing Love", and I rather pursed my lips together approvingly. This, his 20th single released in May of that year, takes things into the Latin disco end of City Pop and I have to admit that images of early Junko Yagami(八神純子)danced over my head. It's a soaring number that brings to mind mirror balls as well as dance parties on the Lido Deck of a cruise ship.

Written by Toyohisa Araki(荒木とよひさ)and composed by Koji Makaino(馬飼野康二), the same fellow who had penned "Ai no Memory", "Sailing Love" also made it onto his 6th album "Matsu For Sale" in July in the same year. The end of the 1970s must have been a particularly rollicking time for City Pop enthusiasts.


  1. Love this guys voice! I was first introduced to him through the "Cobra" Anime song "Daydream Romance". Excellent singer!!

    1. Hello, Kokyu J! Certainly agree with you there.


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