Monday, April 22, 2019

Keizo Nakanishi -- Kanashimi no Storm(哀しみのストーム)

The coupling song to the addictive "Ticket to Paradise", Keizo Nakanishi's(中西圭三)5th single from July 1992, "Kanashimi no Storm" (Storm of Grief) is also very uptempo but has the singer-songwriter begging for his girlfriend to give him one more chance, lest he drowns in an ocean of his own tears.

Instead of the Motown spirit that has gone into a lot of Nakanishi's songs in the 1990s, "Kanashimi no Storm" has got more of the R&B including funk from that particular time period. Of course, Nakanishi's voice propels it forward as much as the beat does. Reiko Yukawa(湯川れい子)provided the lyrics while Nakanishi and Takao Konishi(小西貴雄)came up with the musical goods. This particular song didn't get onto any original album but is included in the singer's first BEST compilation "SINGLES" from 1994.

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