Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sing Like Talking -- My Eye's on You

With a title like "My Eye's on You", this song could have had some sinister overtones.

But hey, this is a Sing Like Talking song! This will be A-OK. A track from the band's 7th album "togetherness" from April 1994, this is about as smooth and romantic a J-AOR ballad will ever get. Written by SLT keyboardist Chiaki Fujita(藤田千章)and vocalist Chikuzen Sato(佐藤竹善), I got lots of warm feelings and reminders of TOTO and Chicago listening to it.

"My Eye's on You" obviously has the fine vocals of Sato propelling it, but in addition there are those horns and that wonderful sax solo near the end. It's a nice and relaxing Sunday sort of song and makes for a nice counterpoint to the fun and frenetic "Together" which launches "togetherness".

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