Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Meiko Nakahara -- Miami Dream -Don’t be shy-

Once again, we're at Hump Day so perhaps something nice, slightly uptempo yet mellow would be nice to take the edge off. Haven't written about Meiko Nakahara(中原めいこ)since the beginning of the year, so let's have her back into the mix.

I've always treated the vivacious Nakahara as an 80s City Pop specialist so it's nice to discover this gem in her final original album to date "On the Planet" from October 1991. "Miami Dream ~Don't be shy~", which was indeed written and composed by the singer, has her taking on that late 80s/early 90s champagne night-on-the-town form of City Pop with the synthesizer and horns.

It's more of the Swingout Sister side of jazzy sophisticated pop side of the genre compared to her early and mid-80s part of her discography which could delve into ol' disco and Doobie Brothers such as "Gemini". Quite refreshing. I guess along with the mysterious Takako Mamiya(間宮貴子), Nakahara pulled off her own disappearing act although she continued to write songs up until sometime in the early 2000s. Hope she's doing well.

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