Monday, August 26, 2019

Rie Tanigawa -- Sayonara(さよなら)

Back to work on a Monday and it's the beginning of the final week of August, so the ending to summer is around the corner. Things are not quite as torrid and the nights are cooler plus the Ex is in the latter half of its annual run and Fan Expo has wrapped up for another year...there is that feeling of goodbye to another summer.

Yet another hackneyed segue into a "Kayo Kyoku Plus" article for a song, but allow me to introduce "Sayonara" by singer-songwriter Rie Tanigawa(谷川理恵). This is another singer for whom I couldn't rustle up too much information about, except for the fact that between 1991 and 1994, she released at least 3 albums and 2 singles. "Sayonara" is a track from her January 1994 mini-album "Kimi no Uta"(君の歌...Your Song). It's a pretty ethereal ballad created by Tanigawa and when I'm thinking of comparisons, my mind goes to Midori Karashima(辛島美登里).

Apparently there are samples of her earlier albums on YouTube so I will have to take some more looks at Tanigawa's material.

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