Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cast of "Tenchi Muyo!" -- Jingle Bells

Heard plenty about the anime franchise "Tenchi Muyo!"(天地無用!)but never saw it, although an old university classmate tended to wear a T-shirt with the picture of the characters emblazoned on it.

Still, early this year, I encountered this fun and jazzy (and initially acapella) version of the evergreen "Jingle Bells" as performed by the cast of this anime. I kept it ready for just the right occasion, and seeing that we're now a month away from Xmas Eve, I figured it was time to start up the annual "Kayo Kyoku Plus" series of Xmas tunes with this one.

Did a bit of digging and found out that it was a track on "Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki no Christmas Album"(天地無用! 魎皇鬼のクリスマス...Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki's Christmas)from November 1993. From one site, I even managed to find out all of the seiyuu names behind this party version of "Jingle Bells": Masami Kikuchi(菊池正美), Yuko Kobayashi(小林優子), Etsuko Kozakura(小桜エツ子), Yuko Mizutani(水谷優子), Ai Orikasa(折笠愛), Yumi Takada(高田由美)and Chisa Yokoyama(横山智佐).

Have a Merry Anime Christmas!


  1. Great stuff! I think this was the first anime series I ever got on DVD.

    1. Good to hear from you again, Ragnar!

      From what I hear, you made a good choice there.

      Yep, I'm gonna have to address that Jingle Bells Padoru Padoru thing sometime soon, too.


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