Monday, November 18, 2019

Yuko Ando -- TEXAS

Always love a rolling melodic piano.

Not sure what the Lone Star State has to do with Yuko Ando's(安藤裕子)"TEXAS", the singer-songwriter's 5th single from July 2006. There's no mention of the state in her lyrics but there is plenty of adorable love affirmation, and perhaps not a few young couples could have adopted "TEXAS" as their tune when they first heard it. Plus, as I said off the top, I love that piano and that whole arrangement by Ando and Ryuji Yamamoto(山本隆二)which can blow all of those Monday blues away.

"TEXAS" also made its way onto Ando's 3rd full album "shabon songs" which was released in February 2007. Ironically, considering the title, I actually want a mug of cocoa with a marshmallow in it rather than a tumbler of bourbon.


  1. Hello J-Canuck,

    I had to do a double take for a moment. I thought this was an article about the group Texas Paanda. I was mistaken. NVM

    Carry on...

    1. Hello again.

      You're gonna have to introduce this Texas Paanda to me. :)


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