Thursday, December 19, 2019

Hideki Saijo -- Television

Gotta say...I cherish Hideki Saijo's(西城秀樹 )aidoru material from the 1970s, but I've been realizing over the past several months that this guy also had quite the proclivity for some fine City Pop stuff.

There was Saijo's very infectious "City Dreams From Tokyo", but there is also another crackling track "Television" from his July 1985 album "Twilight Made...Hideki". Considering that title, it's ironic since this song takes listeners places at a good strong strut throughout the metropolis instead of having folks doing the couch potato thing. It's got everything...Hideki's vocals, the tight horns, thrumming bass and snappy drums.

Now, take a look at the folks behind "Television": Minako Yoshida(吉田美奈子)took care of the lyrics and chorus arrangements, Toshiki Kadomatsu(角松敏生)was the one behind the percolating melody, and Fujimal Yoshino(芳野藤丸)of AB'S fame arranged the whole thing. You really don't want to be sitting in front of the idiot tube while listening to this. It's time to get out and paint the town red!

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