Saturday, May 16, 2020

Kyoko Koizumi -- Banana Moon de Aimashou(バナナムーンで会いましょう)

For tonight's Captain Obvious phrase, I would like to iterate that Kyon-Kyon is the one at the very bottom of the above photo.

I've made mention of the fact that I have some lingering audio tapes from way back in my high school and university days. At this point, they seem to be content acting as curios of a different audio age or as possible food for my voracious tape recorder Jaws; hopefully, they can still act as vessels to provide those kayo from yesterday.

One of those tapes, a Maxell XLII, contains a goodly sum of 80s aidoru tunes and at the end of Side 1 is Kyoko Koizumi's(小泉今日子)"Banana Moon de Aimashou" (Let's Meet Under the Banana Moon). Well, I haven't dared to put in that tape into Jaws as of yet, but luckily, there's the YouTube video of this track from Kyon-Kyon's 5th album "Betty" from July 1984. Hadn't heard this one in literally decades, so I figure once things become as normal as they can, I really ought to purchase that BEST compilation of hers.

Ah....that refrain in "Banana Moon" engaged those memory engrams. I'm referring to how she seems to yell the title at the titular natural satellite of Earth while the background singers keep her grounded. Indeed, it's an interesting effect and effective, too, since I had my "Ah! I remember this one!" moment. Prolific composer Kyohei Tsutsumi(筒美京平)has crafted a 1950s-ish moony-eyed ballad out of "Banana Moon" while prolific lyricist Chinfa Kan(康珍化creates a story of a young woman out on the moonlit beach pining for that significant other. Tis a nice way to finish off "Betty".

The album peaked at No. 3 on the Oricon album charts and it ended up as the 35th-ranked album for 1984. Good to hear Kyon-Kyon again after so long.

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