Friday, July 17, 2020

Kei Marimura -- Watashi dake no Le Mans(私だけのル・マン)

I first heard about Kei Marimura(真梨邑ケイ)since she had a splendid song on one of the "Good Times Diva" series CDs that I'd been collecting for a few years in Japan. Unfortunately, I have yet to find that song but she's still got plenty of tunes represented on YouTube.

Marimura is a jazz singer, TV/movie actress, novelist and porn actress. Yep, you read that last one correctly. I figured that I might as well get that particular occupation out of the way.

From what I've seen of her discography on her J-Wiki profile, the Tokyo-born actress has released many albums but only 4 singles up to 2016. From her 1985 album "Tiempo de Amor", here is "Watashi dake no Le Mans" (Le Mans Just For Me). Outside of the famous motor race, I know next to nothing about this French city, but from how Marimura's song sounds (shimmery light Latin Resort Pop with some jazzy highlights), it seems like there is a very pleasant high life there, although she is mentioning aspects of that race. Maybe it's like Monte Carlo?

Well, we'll just have to take a look, won't we? In any case, "Watashi dake no Le Mans" was written by Masako Arikawa(有川正沙子)and composed by Akira Okamoto(岡本朗). Okamoto had a stage name earlier in his singing career, Issei Okamoto(岡本一生), and he's got an entry on "Kayo Kyoku Plus", "Moonlight Singing".


  1. Pleasant song. The verse is giving me serious déjà vu vibes, though I can't put my finger on what it could possibly be. If I remember I'll post it here.

  2. 'Living Without Your Love' by Shogun. The melodies in both choruses resolve in a similar fashion.


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