Friday, September 25, 2020

Amy -- Mr. Cool


I've mentioned it for her song "Party Night" but I did find "Mr. Cool", Amy's 2nd single from 1983 and the A-side to the former.

"Mr. Cool" has more of the AOR than the City Pop and it has that some of that lovely breeze coming in from the West Coast. I also enjoy the background chorus which indeed sounds like some of that wind wafting through. I'd say that "Mr. Cool" would have been the perfect jingle for a spearmint gum commercial.

According to the JASRAC database, "Mr. Cool" was written by Naoko Nishio(西尾尚子)and composed by City Pop stalwart Kengo Kurozumi(黒住憲五). The song is also a track on Amy's self-titled album from the same year.

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