Saturday, October 17, 2020

dip in the pool -- We Love You


Happy weekend! Tried to go out and get my annual flu shot at the local drug store but when I saw that huge line snaking around corners inside and going out the door, I figured that today wasn't going to be the day. Plus, I'm no longer quite as patient with waits.

All the way back in 2013, I wrote about the eclectic pop duo, dip in the pool, and their 1993 album "KM 93.11". I don't think it was a concept album but it did have vocalist and lyricist Miyako Koda(甲田益也子)weaving in and out among the variegated tracks with her ethereal delivery as a cosmic DJ covering the entire galaxy. Last night, I actually put it into the stereo again after a few years.

One of the tracks that I hadn't covered in that article but will do here is "We Love You". Written by Koda and composed by her partner, keyboardist Tatsuji Kimura(木村達司), the song is perfect for some of the dreamy pop of the album. Enhanced by Koda's creamy chocolatey vocals, the ballad sounds like the type of song that Miki Imai(今井美樹)would sing, and when that bluesy sax comes in the middle, I start getting reminded of the more introspective material performed by Swingout Sister back in the day. It's quite reassuring.


  1. Loved this song. Can you please provide English translation of this song or what she is talking about in this song?
    I cannot find much information on this song and remembered your blog and fortunately you have talked about this song and them.

    1. Hello there, and thanks for your inquiry. From what I could read of the lyrics, it seems to be about a couple very much in love waking up from a very restful sleep and enjoying that precious time in bed.

    2. By the way, how did you discover Dip in the Pool in the first place? They are not exactly the most well-known of Japanese bands.

  2. Hello, J-Canuck. I recently got into Japanese songs and have been exploring ever since. I very much seem to like the styles of songs produced in the 70s, 80s and 90s. This blog has been very helpful in finding few songs. I stumbled onto Dip in the Pool while exploring new songs on Spotify's "Go to song radio" feature though I don't exactly remember the song through which I found them. But am very glad I did and absolutely loving them ever since. Few of their other songs that I found were "Jane, who do you love?", "Rabo del sol", "Hasu no enishi" and few that have titles that have Japanese texts to them. I don't understand Japanese so I try to find the lyric translations online and your blog has been very helpful in this regard. Love it!!!!

    1. Hello, Sachin and thanks for your comments. When I first began the blog a decade ago, it was focused on the songs that I'd first discovered in the years ranging from childhood to young adulthood. However nowadays, I'm like you in that working on the blog has been helpful for me to discover new songs from today and yesterday.

      Keep on reading!


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