Friday, November 27, 2020

Junko Yagami -- Anata wa Shiranai(あなたは知らない)


Well, I had been hoping that there would be something from this particular album which would be put up onto the Net. Sure enough, Xmas has come early this year.

Must give my thanks to the uploader for coming up with the first track from Junko Yagami's(八神純子)12th album "Love is Gold" (March 1989). This is "Anata wa Shiranai" (You Don't Know) and it's a doozy. Written and composed by Yagami, I think that the singer-songwriter was starting to shift once more in her musical style away from the West Coast dance-worthy R&B that she'd been tackling for a few years since her album "Communication" in 1985 and heading toward a slightly more soulful and mellower approach plus even World Music as suggested in her 1990 album "My Invitation".

Anyways, getting back to "Anata wa Shiranai", this has been the track that has represented "Love is Gold" for me all these years. I just love those rhythm chords surrounded by all that cool percussion, and it isn't every day that I hear a flute in a 1980s R&B song. Something about that flute "ages" "Anata wa Shiranai" like a good side of beef. Of course, what can you say about Yagami's vocals that hasn't already been said? This time, they are nice and flirty here.

By this point, Yagami was no longer getting into the Top 10, but to me, she and her albums have remained gold to me...along with the love thing.😁

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