Saturday, November 14, 2020

Kyoko Suga -- Kocchi e Oide(こっちへおいで)


Back in September, I wrote about singer-songwriter Kyoko Suga(須賀響子)who had a short-lived career in the mid-1990s and found her "LOVE, TWO LOVE" a spritely and pleasant five minutes of pop.

Well, I found another number by her via her 3rd album "Love Potion"(ラブ・ポーション)released in December 1995. "Kocchi e Oide" (Come Here) was indeed written and composed by Suga as a love song involving a guy bringing his girlfriend to a secret place at the top of a skyscraper providing a wonderful view of the night sky. The interesting thing about this track is that I gather that Suga was inspired by the late Eiichi Ohtaki's(大瀧詠一)melodies. Listening to how the song progressed, I was gradually reminded of one ballad that the songwriter had provided to Seiko Matsuda(松田聖子), "Kaze Tachinu"(風立ちぬ)

It certainly has the grandeur of an Ohtaki tune but I think "LOVE, TWO LOVE" comes off as the smoother of the two that I've heard by Suga. However, as has often been the case, maybe "Kocchi e Oide" will come to grow on me.

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