Sunday, March 28, 2021

Atarashii Gakko no Leaders -- Otonablue(オトナブルー)


A couple of months ago, I wrote about Atarashii Gakko no Leaders(新しい学校のリーダーズ), the quartet of young women with the skill of fleet-footed song-and-dance folks and the heart of old-fashioned Japanese comedy troupes.

Well, along with "NAINAINAI", their 11th single from this January, I've also been drawn to their 8th single from almost a year ago in April 2020, "Otonablue" (Adult Blue). It has that funk but there's also a bit more of the technopop in there, and it's downright catchy, another repeated advantage for AGL.

The above is just a practice video but, dang, the group still brings it, and part of the charm of Atarashii Gakko no Leaders are their moves. Music for "Otonablue" is provided by yonkey and apparently Mizyu, Rin, Suzuka and Kanon came up with the lyrics about being on the precipice between adolescence and adulthood and worrying about the temptations and implications. My precipice was reached when I had my first of a series of Screwdriver cocktails in one night. Didn't end well.😖

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