Monday, April 19, 2021

Ai Miyake -- Tameiki no Juudan(ためいきの銃弾)


Happy Monday. Hope all of you are doing safe and well. Still not the greatest situation here in our province in Ontario but on a personal level, I can say that I finally got my first shot of vaccine earlier this morning. So far, no side effects but let's see what happens tomorrow morning.

We're starting off the week with another obscure singer and this time, it's someone from the 1990s. I did find an Ai Miyake(三宅亜依)on J-Wiki but she's been identified as an Osakan seiyuu and that's all she wrote. However from at least a couple of other pages, she did have a brief singing career starting as a member of the aidoru group Kurobuta All Stars(黒BUTAオールスターズ)and then releasing at least one solo album and four solo singles up to the end of 1994.

I found this coupling song to her October 1993 single "Toriko ni Shite Goran"(虜にしてごらん...Be Captivated). "Tameiki no Juudan" (Sigh Bullets) has got that uptempo and positive pop/rock sound of that decade which was crafted by lyricist Natsumi Watanabe(渡辺なつみ)and composer Kazuhiro Hara(原一博). In addition, I have to say that Miyake's vocals here certainly don't sound prototypically aidoru; they quite fit the pop/rock field. I quite like this coupling song and it's a pity that Miyake didn't extend the singing part of her career but I gather that perhaps the 90s pop world was filling up with similarly-sounding singers.

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