Thursday, May 27, 2021

Mai Yamane -- Lady Luck


There is a Marvel character specifically within the "X-Men" community named Domino, a good buddy of Cable who just happens to be the son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor and yadda yadda yadda. If I went on any longer, I would get rather soap opera-ish about the whole thing which is something that sometimes annoys me about the intertwining nature of the comic superheroes. But in any case, Domino's mutant power is her ability to warp probabilities. In other words, she can generate oodles of good luck for her and her allies.

Now, Zazie Beetz did portray Domino in "Deadpool 2". But I figure that if Domino were to make a second appearance on the big screen, I wouldn't mind having this song by Mai Yamane(山根麻衣)as her theme tune. Yeah, I realize that it's a little too obvious having a song titled "Lady Luck" for her, but heck, Yamane has done some great things for anime such as "Cowboy Be-Bop" so why not have this adorning any iteration of the character?

Besides, I've always seen Domino (when I used to collect the various X comics even in expensive Tokyo) as the kickass rock-n'-roll type and that's how I see "Lady Luck" which is a track on Yamane's August 1988 album "Woman Tone". Neither the song nor the character suffers fools gladly and they seem to love a great time in the city. Yamane and Eiko Yamane(山根えい子)provided the lyrics while Masayuki Iwata(岩田雅之)of PAZZ fame came up with the rollicking melody. Of course, Mai gives her velvety and growly best behind the mike.

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