Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Junko Sakurada -- Watashi no Koukoku(わたしの広告)


Wow! First off, I'd love to know who was on the bass for this song (I couldn't find out online).

I guess it wasn't just Momoe Yamaguchi(山口百恵)who was being the sultry aidoru of the 1970s. Teen singer Junko Sakurada(桜田淳子)had this tune as the second track of her December 1976 album "Atsui Kokoro no Shotaijo"(熱い心の招待状...Invitation by a Burning Heart), "Watashi no Koukoku" (My Spiel). Beginning with one groovy and bouncy bass that sounds as if it drank down ten vitamin drinks and a disco ball, "Watashi no Koukoku" has Sakurada singing about a teenager advertising herself to the right bidder as someone who can like it good and/or bad depending on tastes.

As one music store described the track, it's a slice of tasty disco funk by Kimio Mizutani(水谷公生)with Yu Aku(阿久悠)providing the salacious lyrics. I've been going on about the bass but there's also the keyboards that add to the downtown strut to the nearest dance club in Roppongi. I'd also think that "Watashi no Koukoku" would be something that Minako Yoshida(吉田美奈子)would have tackled.

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