Thursday, November 11, 2021

Yukiko Tanaka -- Futari no Cinema wo Tsukuritai(ふたりのシネマを作りたい)


There were a number of movie theatres that my friends and I attended to catch the latest blockbusters: the Wald 9 in Shinjuku, the older theatres in Yurakucho and then the relatively newer ones in Odaiba in the Aqua City complex, I believe, as you can see above. Conveniently, they were all located smack dab among a whole bunch of restaurants.

I found this opening track in Yukiko Tanaka's(田中友紀子)July 1994 album, "Reflection", called "Futari no Cinema wo Tsukuritai". Not 100% certain what the cinema in the title is referring to. Is it a theatre or an actual movie that the two lovers want to make? Most likely, I think that it's the latter so that I can perhaps translate the title into "Want to Make a Movie for Two"

"Reflection" has been referred to as a City Pop album. I haven't listened to the entire album as portrayed above but at least for Track 1, I think that this is more of a pop number, albeit one pretty energetic one. Written and composed by Masaya Ozeki(尾関昌也), the same fellow behind the creation of the melody of the huge Wink hit, "Samishii Nettaigyo" (淋しい熱帯魚), the synths are definitely at play here.

Not much information on Tanaka although she has a prior listing on KKP because of her 1993 cover of Kazuhito Murata's(村田和人)"Summer Vacation" (サマーバケーション). However, I could find a listing on "CD Journal" which lists her albums and singles, and if it's indeed a total list, then "Reflection" was her 3rd and final album to date.

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