Friday, January 21, 2022

Junko Ohashi & Minowa Central Station -- Lovin' Spoonful(ラヴィン・スプーンフル)

Well, it's Friday and four days after the Blizzard of 2022. It's sunny but cold outside and the plow-created mountain ranges now have huge crevasses within them so that pedestrians no longer have to scale them to cross the street. However, with the thaw-and-freeze cycle that has happened mid-week, the sidewalks that haven't been cleared are currently mini-ice rinks. Basically, unless one has spikes on the soles of their shoes or boots, it's gonna be slippery moving about. For my fellow Torontonians, please don't break a leg.

Still had to do some shopping but managed to survive so I'm back in for another foursome of urban contemporary tunes today on "Kayo Kyoku Plus", and we start with Junko Ohashi & Minowa Central Station(大橋純子&美乃家セントラル・ステイション). Good to see her again, and today we have "Lovin' Spoonful", the B-side to her September 1977 single "Mister Smile"(ミスター・スマイル).

Created by the same duo of Takashi Matsumoto and Ken Sato(松本隆・佐藤健)that took care of the bittersweet and sympathetic "Mister Smile", the title of "Lovin' Spoonful" may have been inspired by the famous late 60s rock band but it's actually a pretty cheerful and bouncy City Pop song. Within Matsumoto's lyrics, I keep hearing about a picnic so I'm assuming that it involves a happy couple in a metropolitan park with the lady romantically feeding her boyfriend spoonfuls of something. The feeding thing seems to have even more significance in Japanese pop culture than over here for some reason. Back to the melody, my compliments goes to the person behind the electric piano who just goes full bore in the solo. This is a song that probably can have all of us wishing for an early spring and similar activities in the park.

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