Thursday, April 21, 2022

Steely Dan -- Time Out of Mind


Time for another weekly ROY article. Steely Dan made their presence known on the radio when I was a kid through multiple songs with arguably the most famous one for me being "Peg" from their famous 1977 album "Aja".

Another song that managed to filter into my brain through heavy rotation over the airwaves was "Time Out of Mind" from Donald Fagen & Walter Becker's 1980 album "Gaucho". I've got "Aja" but I have to admit that "Gaucho" is not up on my shelves as of yet, although it and "Aja" have vied among the Dan fans to be the best album that they've ever put up.

"Time Out of Mind" actually came out as a single from the album in March 1981, and when I was listening to it on the strawberry milk-pink Sony, I never knew that the lyrics were referring to drug use (then again, I also didn't pick up on the lyrical content of "Peg" until many years later), and little did I know that Dire Straits' Mark Knopfler handled the guitar solo.. As I've said a number of times on the blog in the past, I was far more of the melody persuasion than I was for lyrics (although "perfection and grace" did enter my brain), and "Time Out of Mind" was another one of the funky and cool shuffles by Steely Dan alongside "Peg".  If I only had appreciated them back then as I do now.

So, who was in the Top 3 of Oricon for March 1981?

1. Chanels -- Machikado Twilight (街角トワイライト)

2. Akira Terao -- Ruby no Yubiwa (ルビーの指輪)

3. THE CRAZY RIDER Yokohama Ginbae ROLLING SPECIAL -- Tsuppari High School Rock n' Roll(ツッパリHigh School Rock' n Roll)

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