Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Atarashii Gakko no Leaders -- Free Your Mind


I'm doing my first entry tonight really late since I was out for the entire afternoon and a good chunk of the evening, some of which was occupied by watching "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness". To let you know, it was the first movie that I've seen in over two years so I'm glad that it was well worth my time, energy and money. I caught the movie in a VIP theatre so what I lost in the surrounding fans' happily crazed reactions at some of the money shots, I gained in extreme comfort and good food.

There were a lot of minds being freed, ripped apart and so forth in this second "Doctor Strange" flick. Ah, if only the characters had discovered a universe where all sorts of superhero battles can be waged by dance and music instead. Then, I gather that the wild-and-crazy song-and-dance group Atarashii Gakko no Leaders(新しい学校のリーダーズ) (or Atarashii Gakko! as they are known outside of Japan) could be the local version of the Avengers. I'd love to witness a dance-off between them and Starlord, although I've got a feeling that Suzuka and company will most likely kick his butt.

Anyways, I did find this song "Free Your Mind" which is fresh from their November 2021 EP, "Snacktime". Written and composed by the ladies along with Mark Ramos Nishita, it's good ol' rock-n-roll as Atarashii Gakko! go nuts with their singing and dancing somewhere in a Japanese neighbourhood while gaining some new fans of all ages. Just let go and have fun! Indeed, free your mind but don't drink and drive...and absolutely don't get a hold of the Darkhold!


  1. Such a good song. Their newest song, "WOO! GO!" is also very good and they got a Nike Japan commercial out of it, so I'm happy to see them going places now.

    1. Hello there. I'll have to see what "WOO! GO!" has in store. Hopefully, it'll continue to be forward and upward for Atarashii Gakko!


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