Tuesday, July 12, 2022

THE CRAZY RIDER Yokohama Ginbae ROLLING SPECIAL -- Yokosuka Baby(横須賀Baby)


In the past few weeks, we've had a rash of some famous folks passing away and that sadly includes the drummer and the leader of the rock n' roll band THE CRAZY RIDER Yokohama Ginbae ROLLING SPECIAL(横浜銀蝿), Yoshiyuki "Ran" Tamiya(田宮淑行). He died on July 4th several days ago at the age of 67 from pneumonia.

So, to pay tribute to Tamiya, I've decided to write about the band's very first single "Yokosuka Baby" which was released in September 1980. A short but fleet-footed rock n' roll tune written and composed by the group, it feels like the perfect tune to hit the floor during a sock hop. Feel free to put that coin into the jukebox.

According to the lyrics, a guy remembers the good times with this gal who has decided to move away from Yokosuka to chase down her dreams. All things considered, he seems to be taking things quite well. Perhaps in the same way, I would probably think that the remaining band members Sho, Taku and Johnny are mourning their loss but also remembering the good times with their leader.

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