Saturday, August 6, 2022

Hiroshi Tachi -- Abunai Deka (She's So Good)(あぶない刑事)


Earlier this afternoon, I was conversing with Rocket Brown of "Come Along Radio" and we plus a couple of others ended up watching the first episode of the beloved 1980s cop show "Abunai Deka" (The Dangerous Detectives) on Discord with the ever dapper Hiroshi Tachi(舘ひろし)and Kyohei Shibata(柴田恭兵)as the titular troublemaking and trouble solving detectives. With all of that fashion, hairstyles, bars and old-style telephones, it's so 80s, it hurts. Being the pilot, there were some interesting out-of-character moments such as Atsuko Asano's(浅野温子)Officer Kaoru being a bit more serious than my impression of her being delightfully daffy.

A few of the ending themes have been covered on "Kayo Kyoku Plus" such as the very first one "Tsumetai Taiyo" (冷たい太陽) by Tachi which was done by Noelle Tham. But none of us had taken care of the opening credits song which accompanies the quick tour inside Minato Police Station in Yokohama, the home base for the detectives. Well, I found out that "Abunai Deka (She's So Good)" was also composed by Tachi as a rock n' pop tune that is influenced by his time as a rock n' roller singer back in the 1970s.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes...this song is so very 80s. I get my "T.J. Hooker" vibes from this one.


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